Category: Furniture, Home and Garden AccountingActivitiesAirlines & AviationApartment for RentApartment for SaleArtistAuto Accessories & PartsAutomobilesBaby ItemsBoatsBooksBusiness and IndustrialCameras & ImagingCar LiftChild careClassesClubsCollectiblesCommercial For RentCommercial for SaleComputers and NetworkingDefaultDomesticDVD’s and MoviesEducationElectronicsFree StuffFreelancersFurniture, Home and GardenGamingHeavy VehiclesHome ApplianceJewellery & WatchesLand for SaleLost /FoundMiscMobile Phones & PDAsMotorcyclesMultiple Units for SaleMusicMusical InstrumentsNewsNumber PlatesPetsPhotographyRooms for RentRooms WantedServicessportsSports EquipmentStuff WantedTickets and VouchersToysUsed car for salesVilla / house for RentVilla / House for Sale SEARCH Sofa October 1, 2016 Cluster D, JLT , Dubai $5.00